GDPR Agreement

Our GDPR agreement sets out how any personal data we collect from you, or that you provide us, will be stored, and processed confidentially. 

We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).  You can find our details and information on GDPR standards at

How we gather your personal information

Information that you provide by emailing us via our website and via various directories, or by phone to request further information about our speech and language therapy service.

·         Email at or phone 07591046238.

·         Pre-therapy questionnaire form.

·         Brief session notes and completed assessment materials and reports.

Regarding online therapy, we use the platforms Zoom and Microsoft Teams.  These platforms are securely encrypted.  We do not record online sessions. 

Where we store your personal data

Personal data that we collect from you via any form of contact by email or phone will be kept securely.

The pre-therapy questionnaire form, your contact details, brief session notes and any completed assessment forms and reports are stored on a computer and password protected.

We take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy.

Uses made of the information

We use your contact details to allow us to provide you with information of the service that you request from us, to allow you to tell us about changes in your availability and to notify you about changes to our availability and any other relevant administrative changes.

We use the brief session notes and any assessment materials to identify your current needs, help us assess your progress and to plan for future sessions.

How long we keep your information/notes/reports for

Text communication is deleted immediately while emails are purged once a month.  After therapy has finished, your phone number will be deleted from our phone.

We will retain your pre-therapy questionnaire, brief session notes and any completed assessment forms and reports for as long as we are working together.  After therapy has finished, we will retain these documents for a further five years in case you decide to return to therapy with us.  This retention period is also a requirement of our indemnity insurance.  After five years the documents will be destroyed.

Your rights

You are entitled to view, amend, or delete the personal information that we hold.  All requests have a month to be carried out.

In the event of a data breach

We have a legal obligation to report a data breach to you and the Information Commissioners Office (ICO) within 72 hours.

Disclosure of your personal information

If we are under a duty of disclosure to share your personal data to comply with any legal obligations.  For example, if we are subpoenaed to court, or a legal requirement such as safeguarding children or vulnerable adults, terrorism, or money laundering. 

Changes to GDPR agreement

We will notify you of changes we may make to this policy in the future.

Consent to the GDPR agreement

Your use and the undertaking of the services of Essential Speech and Language Therapy constitutes your approval and acceptance of this agreement, and are consenting to our use, and storage of your personal information that you have disclosed to us, as detailed above.  You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.